If Ebenezer Scrooge and The Grinch had a Baby!


So for the liturgically challenged the Holidays are over. To some that is a huge relief and to others it is probably a little disappointing. This is my first year observing the liturgical church calendar but I have to admit I was super stoked to come home an see that my wife had taken down the Christmas tree despite the fact that the church calendar continues the celebration through the first of the year. This year was a first for me, well a first in a long time anyway, because I actually enjoyed the holiday season and all of its festivities. Which seems like not a big deal to most but if Ebenezer Scrooge and The Grinch had a baby it would be me….

Thankfully like both characters in their respective stories my heart has been warming up to the Holiday festivities.
I am not sure what to think about it in the present moment but I like the feeling. I did not always dislike the holidays but the older I got the more they bothered me. I am sure those feelings of disdain were rooted in my intense desire to leave Alabama, and not considering the holidays important would make distancing myself from my family a great deal easier! Eventually that disdain became wrapped up in a very gnostic worldview, that was parading around like a Christian worldview,but nonetheless all the classic festivities became nothing but pagan works that I believed stood in opposition to the gospel. My mindset was a little whacky to say the least.

Truthfully there is nothing inherently wrong with Santa, trees, or decorations. The hatred for holidays became real easy to manage and sustain when it was all because of my “love for God”. Funny how we so often use Him as a means or reason behind our actions. Granted I have not quite warmed up to the idea of Santa. I know, I know! I am in fact that guy who only teaches His son that St. Nicholas was a guy who lived in the 4th century who gave gifts to orphans and punched heretics. Judge me if you must but that Santa is way cooler than some fat guy in a red suit! Now with that said I had to journey through a season were I recognized no Holidays. I literally found fault in all of them and it was in the lessons I learned that brought me to where I am now. I had to learn that no day was more Holy than the next. Not to no longer celebrate Holidays, all be it that was the initial response, but rather to see the sacred in all days. Every day is Holy! Because if nothing is sacred then we have nothing to lose!

So I have this new found love for the Holiday’s, and I can honestly say this Holiday season was the most enjoyable of my whole life! I suppose you could say my heart grew two sizes! The fire in my heart for family, friends, and joy has been rekindled. I love it!
I look forward to the moments where we put aside special time to spend with the the people we love. I look forward even more to searching out the Holy in everyday! Allowing God to be magnified in an through my life no matter what day it is!

I do want to know that I still reject the crazy American consumerism that has done it’s best to hijack such a special time of the year. I am for giving gifts and all that jazz but remember what this is all really about. God is not glorified in the debt you went into to buy your kids more toys than they will ever play with. I assure no amount of gifts can ever live up to the gift of simply being present, moment to moment, in the lives of the people around you!

Through who, to whom, and for whom all thing exist!


Ps. LESSONS FROM DEAD GUYS will be back after the first of the year!